Malabarismo Tico ai suoi amici.Creato il
Elenco dei gruppi attivi > Gruppi attivi in Costa Rica
More than an organization rather than a company, Malabarismo-Tico is a family whose main goal together, care for and support the circus community in our country, which increases every day as extending the disciplines and toys.
Nonprofits the idea is to have a space, not only to share videos, photos, tips, experiences, toys and techniques, but also to plan meetings, conventions or meetings either to expose issues of importance to the community or just for fun.
Thanks to all members work as a good source of reference: customers, technical contacts, workshops, circus shows and events in general across the country.
Malabaristas de Costa Rica
Más que una organización, más que una compañía, Malabarismo-Tico es una familia que tiene como principal meta unir, cuidar y apoyar a la comunidad circense de nuestro país, la cual aumenta todos los días a medida que se extienden las disciplinas y juguetes.
Sin fines de lucro la idea es tener un espacio, no solo para compartir vídeos, fotos, trucos, experiencias, juguetes y técnicas; si no también para poder planear reuniones, convenciones o encuentros ya sea para exponer temas de relevancia para la comunidad o simplemente por diversión.
Gracias a todos sus integrantes funciona como buena fuente de referencia sobre: clientes, técnicas, contactos, talleres, espectáculos y eventos circenses en general de todo el país.
Questo gruppo chiude per ferie. Contatta gli organizzatori prima di andare.
Ok if you are not from Latinamerica first things first our culture is really relax and so our times is just not our style ;) you will understand the good and the bad about it if you stay long enough in our little paradise.
This is just information there is in the capital San Jose and in Heredia some meeting points.
San Jose: Every day afternoons and evenings
Parque Morazan: (This used to be one of the biggest meeting points so if you don't see jugglers around move on.) to
Parque de la Democracia: Around 5 blocks towards the jade museum and in front of the national museum is the plaza o democracia park check if there is someone there.
Parque Francia: (Around 7 blocks away passing the Antigua Aduana you will find Francia Park where you may find some jugglers chilling out or taking the sun in the grass.
Polideportivo Parque Aranjuez: It may be worth the try just if you went to the 3 meetings points above without luck but if you are in the healthy mood and is weekend you should go check if there is jugglers training in the open gym and if not just take some natural fruits and amazing healthy food in the green fair.
Parque Central de Heredia: In Kiosk Sundays from 1pm-3pm until around 8:30pm sometimes more or less you never know.
The best way to know where the jugglers are meeting is asking on our Facebook Group Malabarismo-Tico.
If you show up earlier than 1pm you will have to wait to see how the jugglers start arriving from every place ;).
Open to share experiences and knowledge
Nessun messaggio ancora 😔