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7 balls, 115 minuti
[ old mayorie's backyard ]
• 115' --- 7b --- 38 36 35 43 64 ( jumped that train well, settled well ) 36 40 36 t.
7 balls, 73 minuti
• 73' --- 7b --- 37 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 188 minuti
Luogos: #outdoors, drying room
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7 balls, 116 minuti
• 116' --- 7b --- 36 36 37 38 38 40 35 36 38 36 36 42 45 42 t.
7 balls, 80 minuti
• 80' --- 7b --- ( - ).
5 ball tricks, 49 minuti
49' - 5b rev - 162, 176, 200 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 245 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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7 balls, 110 minuti
• 110' --- 7b --- 38, 44, 38, 36 t.
7 balls, 109 minuti
• 109' --- 7b --- 38 t.
5 ball tricks, 44 minuti
44' - 5b rev - 201, 178, 196 t. +ex'c a bit ( makes unlike more sense late or towards end ).
Tempo totale di allenamento: 263 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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7 balls, 95 minuti
• 95' --- 7b --- 40 t, (r≤32).
7 balls, 80 minuti
• 80' --- 7b --- 39, 46 t.
5 ball tricks, 41 minuti
41' - 5b rev - 167 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 216 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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7 balls, 108 minuti
• 108' --- 7b --- (≤31 t).
7 balls, 92 minuti
• 92' --- 7b --- 40 t.
5 ball tricks, 47 minuti
47' - 5b rev - 172, 178, 186 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 247 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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7 balls, 46 minuti
• 46' --- 7b --- ( ~ ).
7 balls, 80 minuti
• 80' --- 7b --- ( ~ ).
5 ball tricks, 44 minuti
44' - 5b rev - 159 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 170 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 90 minuti
• 57' --- 7b --- ( - ).
• 33' --- 5b rev --- ( - ).
Tempo totale di allenamento: 90 minuti
Luogo: drying room
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7 balls, 19 minuti
• 19' --- 7b [old mmx1].
9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 123 minuti
• 68' --- 9b [ ballmix: 7 mmx 1 nyl 1 leather ] --- ( - )
• 55' --- 7b --- ( - ).
5 ball tricks, 31 minuti
31' - 5b rev - ( - ).
Tempo totale di allenamento: 173 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
Commenti (0)
7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 151 minuti
• 50' ..--- 9b --- ( - ).
• 101' --- 7b --- 36 t.
5 ball tricks, 36 minuti
36' - 5b rev - the exercises only.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 187 minuti
Luogo: drying room
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7 balls, 5 ball tricks, #exercises, 5 balls, 174 minuti
• 10' ..--- 5b [riffled].
• 137' --- 7b --- 38 t.
• 27' ..--- 5b, casc, s-bx. rev - have been neglecting the exercises, so today again, (tried),walked back & forth, swayed, turned, twisted, high & low, wide.
5 ball tricks, 33 minuti
33' - 5b rev - ( - ).
Tempo totale di allenamento: 207 minuti
Luogo: drying room
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