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9 balls flashing, 124 minuti
• 31' --- 9b, 2nd to 7th.
• 93' --- 9b --- ii 11 t. ( 8 g, a number )
Tempo totale di allenamento: 124 minuti
Luogo: drying room
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7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 29 minuti
• 13' --- 5b all up 180° --- 4 rt ac.
• 16' --- 7b.
9 balls flashing, 140 minuti
• 140' --- 9b --- ii 11 t. ( 8 g, a good number )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 41 minuti
11' - 4x || 4 - 18 pairs thrown.
30' - 5b rev - 150 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 210 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 49 minuti
• 10' --- 5b all up 180° --- ( - ).
• 39' --- 7b --- ( - ).
9 balls flashing, 128 minuti
• 35' --- 9b, only upto 2nd to only upto 7th ball launched.
• 93' --- 9b --- ii 11 t. ( 8 g, several ).
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 35 minuti
9' ..- 4x || 4 - 18 pairs thrown.
26' - 5b rev - (≤140)
Tempo totale di allenamento: 212 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
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9 balls flashing, 189 minuti
• 44' ..--- 9b, 2nd to 7th.
• 145' --- 9b --- i 11 t. ( 8 g, a number )
Tempo totale di allenamento: 189 minuti
Luogo: drying room
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passing, 30 minuti
(With K and N, then with N and G)
Why Not feeding 5-count popcorn, with walking
passing, 40 minuti
(With G, C and B)
Scrambled V
Tempo totale di allenamento: 70 minuti
Luogos: Wisconsin , Wisconsin
Commenti (0)
9 balls flashing, 38 minuti
• 38' --- 9b --- exercise: upto 2nd to upto 7th
9 balls flashing, 146 minuti
• 146' --- 9b --- ii 11 t. ( 8 g, a number )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 35 minuti
5' + 10' - 4x || 4 - 13 pairs thrown.
20' . . . .- 5b rev - swaying got me over 150 threshold, 160 t.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 219 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
Commenti (0)
passing, 60 minuti
(With 6 other jugglers)
Feast 3-count
(With J, S and C)
passing, 45 minuti
(With J)
(With S)
passing, 40 minuti
(With I and T)
Phoenician walz
passing, 20 minuti
(With I and J)
Phoenician walz
passing, 25 minuti
(With S, then with S and C)
Workshop: color coding.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 190 minuti
Luogo: Wisconsin
Commenti (0)
9 balls flashing, 48 minuti
• 34' --- 9b, upto only 2nd, unto upto only 7th.
• 14' --- 9b --- ( i 8 g )
9 balls flashing, 140 minuti
• 140' --- 9b --- vii 11 13 t. ( 8 g, a number )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 38 minuti
8' ..- 4x || 4.
30' - 5b rev.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 226 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
Commenti (0)
passing, 40 minuti
(With R and M)
Bruno's Nightmare
passing, 60 minuti
(With G)
"+1 Spin" workshop. Basically slower siteswaps with lofty selfs instead of lofty passes.
766 Vs 524, or 756264
746 Vs 454
772 Vs 455
334 Vs 776
33344 Vs 33322
33344 Vs 55562
passing, 60 minuti
(With P and T)
Squrl Twrl Qurl (workshop)
(With G and J)
One of the 3-count 9-beat roundabouts, don't know the name. Didn't get far.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 160 minuti
Luogos: Wisconsin, Wisconsin
Commenti (0)
9 balls flashing, #exercises, 139 minuti
• 40' --- 9b, only upto 2nd .. unto .. only upto 8th ball --- got a few 7th a(ll) c(aught); 8th thrown, a few, but into desaster.
....always, generally, all with heavy initial hop and corresponding to full launches' crescendo heights.
• 99' --- 9b --- towards end, forced an 11 t; a 12 t came naturally. ( 8 g, a number )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 2 ball tricks, 38 minuti
3' ..- 2b-123, 01234 - neat little towers.
30' - 5b rev - 156 t.
5' ..- 4b wimpy || columns - 16 pairs thrown.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 177 minuti
Luogo: drying room
Commenti (0)
passing, 90 minuti
(With S and S)
Why Not feeding 5-count popcorn, with walking (trying to find out how to do this)
(With K and N)
Why Not feeding 5-count popcorn, with walking (getting somewhere, it works, but I might want to adjust some details about straight/crossing passes...)
passing, 30 minuti
(With C, S, S, and I)
567-about with 3 manipulators
(With S, I, L and O)
567-about with 3 manipulators
passing, 30 minuti
(With J, I and S)
Random scramble: sB iA cB
passing, 10 minuti
(With J)
Jim's 3-count
passing, 30 minuti
(With S)
Dark side of Jim's 4-count
Tempo totale di allenamento: 190 minuti
Luogo: Wisconsin
Commenti (0)
9 balls flashing, 41 minuti
• 22' --- 9b, upto only 3rd, .. to .. upto only 7th throw.
• 19' --- 9b --- ( ii 8 g, )
9 balls flashing, 142 minuti
• 142' --- 9b --- vii 11, i 15 t. ( 8 g, a number )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 41 minuti
8' ..- 4b wimpy || columns - 11 pairs ac.
3' ..- 4b.
30' - 5b rev - 152 t(hrows).
Tempo totale di allenamento: 224 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
Commenti (0)
passing, 180 minuti
Random scrambled variation: iC cA sB
Tempo totale di allenamento: 180 minuti
Luogo: Wisconsin
Commenti (0)
9 balls flashing, 37 minuti
• 37' --- 9b --- ( - ).
9 balls flashing, 136 minuti
• 136' --- 9b --- i 11, i 12 t. ( 8 g, some )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 3 balls, #blind, 47 minuti
5' ..- 4b-417.
30' - 5b rev.
5' ..- 4b wimpy || columns = ss: (4x,4x)(4,4).
7' ..- 3b blind.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 220 minuti
Luogos: nearby parking, drying room
Commenti (0)
passing, 40 minuti
(With C and S)
456-about (Killer bunny-about) practice for workshop
Workshop: 456-about
passing, 45 minuti
(With S, G and J)
(Scrambled) B
3 clubs, 7 minuti
5 clubs, 7 minuti
Trying to do a flash. Failing.
passing, 15 minuti
(With C, C, B and J)
456-about with 3 manipulators
passing, 30 minuti
(With J)
Tempo totale di allenamento: 159 minuti
Luogos: Wisconsin , Wisconsin
Commenti (0)
9 balls flashing, #exercises, #list, 163 minuti
• 44' --- 9b, exercise: only 1st ... to only first 7 --- ( = also serves as warmup ).
°• - gauges, defines every single throw.
°• - less drops, better practicing rhythm.
°• - emancipates weakhand from afterthrows following strong hand.
°• - gets the eyes used to seeing that many balls well, the pattern, telling early landing from later balls ... as a whole!?
one major disadvantage
°• - hands all time full.
on a given moment, hands will unintentionally(!) continue in one go and throw them all - full pattern is then ripe for practice.
• 119' --- 9b --- i 11, i 13 t. ( 8 g, some )
5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 28 minuti
5' + 5' - 4b wimpy || columns alternating, ≤ 8 t(hrows).
18' ....- 5b rev.
Tempo totale di allenamento: 191 minuti
Luogo: drying room
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