Nordic Juggling Convention

All juggling events in 2007
Juggling events in Danimarca‎, 2007


venerdì, 25 maggio 2007 to lunedì, 28 maggio 2007


Asgaard skole, Koege, 50 km. South from Copenhagen


This is Nordic Juggling Network event.


23. Nordic Juggling Convention.
Tjeck our homepage for latest updates on performers, workshops and pre. reg. (last upd. 22.april)
Facilities, big gym and a theatre hall.
Shows and parade in the city-center.
NJC 2007 is located 65 min. by train from Copenhagen airport in a brand new public school, and it is real nice.
You can sleep in classrooms, or camp outside at the site.
Fee 60 Euro incl. food (vegan + non vegan;)
By the way entrance sign is 3 balls hand made by: wigger
Questions ? Just contact us.
See you in DK 25.-28. May 2007.

Who went

Nordic Juggling Convention elsewhere on the Edge

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