Clown and Buffon Masterclass

All juggling events in 2010
Juggling events in Regno Unito‎, 2010


martedì, 23 novembre 2010 to venerdì, 26 novembre 2010


Saint Thomas Building, 74 Holywell Rd, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S4 8AS, UK



Keland Scher has been teaching and performing for 10 years and recently completed two years as a full time Assistant Professor in Theatre and Movement in Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University.
By reconnecting with developmental patterns formed in childhood, combined with the innocence and pleasure of the clown nose along with the buffoon body mask, the artist learns there is comfort and joy in openly giving and receiving during performance. We allow our artist the freedom to find joy in the unknown. Playing in the unknown is how the magical, fantastic space between audience and artist is created.
Price: £160 / £140

Who went

Clown and Buffon Masterclass elsewhere on the Edge

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