All juggling events in 2011
Juggling events in Olanda, 2011
venerdì, 18 febbraio 2011 to domenica, 20 febbraio 2011
On 18, 19, 20 februari 2011
'Jongleercollectief' volunteers will be organising edition 10 of the Winter Juggling Weekend.
Later you'll find more information on this site.
General WJW Information
What is the Winter Juggling Weekend?
Short intro for new visitors: The Winter Juggling Weekend is one of the two yearly conventions organised by the foundation 'Jongleer Collectief Limburg' to encourage juggling and unicycling in the Netherlands, the province of Limburg, the Euregio and the city of Heerlen.
The main objective is participation! Enjoy the nice ambiance and learn juggling if you can't already, or learn more if you can!
What can I enjoy at the WJW?
Often these things are programmed:
* workshops for everyone willing to learn juggling or unicycling
* friday to sunday having fun juggling with your jugglingfriends!
* workshops for advanced participants by advanced participants
* indoor trial unicycling objects
* to the swimming pool for relaxation!
* at night a podium to watch good and funny acts
* club combat tournament
* meals and sleeping included for weekend participants
* and furthermore all the nice ideas that you come up with!