Barullo, International Circus Movement

All juggling events in 2011
Juggling events in Messico‎, 2011


mercoledì, 1 giugno 2011 to domenica, 5 giugno 2011


Guadalajara, Jalisco



Is an annual gathering created by artists and circus performers and street.Professionals and students in these disciplines coexist in a fun and creative atmospheretaking courses,workshops and lectures, participating whether as protagonist or as a spectator to a wide variety of entertainment and artistic events. Five days of living art andcontinuous human coexistence.

Special guests:
Ryan Mellors ( CAN)
Matt Hall (USA)
Kevin Axtell (USA)
Santi Malabari (MEX)
Adrián Martinez \"RAtón\" (URU)

Who went

Barullo, International Circus Movement elsewhere on the Edge

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