All juggling events in 2011
Juggling events in Belgio, 2011
sabato, 3 settembre 2011
Dear all,
We have now a great pleasure to announce that it will happen this year again.
***** Not Yet A Juggling Convention, Second Edition *********
A one day of juggling convention, organized by jugglers for jugglers.
Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced juggler this convention is for everybody, regardless of your age and your condition, as long as you are interested in flying objects.
Date: 3rd September 2011 (*note it in your calendar!*)
The location:
Sporthal Redingenhof
Redingenstraat 90
3000 leuven
The Program:
10.30: Doors Open
10.30 - 18.00: Workshops and free juggling area
19.00: Openstage
Entrance : 5€
(*Invite your friends!*)
Want to give a workshop? Want to participate on the open stage?
Contact us!
Organisers :
De baets Wim
Verheyen Gert
Mas Jonathan
Karolien Raeymaekers