10th Hungarian Juggling Convention

All juggling events in 2012
Juggling events in Ungheria‎, 2012


giovedì, 16 agosto 2012 to domenica, 19 agosto 2012


H–1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16–20



This is Magyar Zsonglőr Egyesület event.


This year we hold our jubilee 10th Hungarian Juggling Convention. The odyssey of the past years lead us through some of the most beautiful scenery Hungary has to offer. From wanderings through Zamárdi, Gyomaendrőd, Dunaújváros and Szarvas, we now return to where the journey began – Budapest’s beautiful Millenáris Park.

We would like to invite all jugglers from Hungary, Europe, the World, in fact, the entire Universe, to join us in this celebratory meeting of fun, fire and artistic flux!

Our gathering promises a more open and far-reaching platform than ever before, with 4 days of workshops and artistic progression opportunities.To top off the indispensible Gala Show, we will be organising the very first National Fire Review, where we offer Hungarian juggling formations a new platform to showcase their talents to each other and a larger audience. Among the various workshop programs we’ll have a Renegade and Open Stage.

75 hours of juggling and fun!

Who went

10th Hungarian Juggling Convention elsewhere on the Edge

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