7ª Cirkonvención Mexikana (7th Mexican Circus Convention)

(7ma Cirkonvención Mexikana to its friends)

All juggling events in 2012
Juggling events in Messico‎, 2012


giovedì, 1 novembre 2012 to lunedì, 5 novembre 2012


Ex - Hacienda La Luna, Cuautlita Morelos, Mexico




The "Cirkonvención Mexikana" is an annual non-profit festival, whose purpose is to promote artistic and technical growth in the field of contemporary circus and the exchange of knowledge and experiences among participants.

This meeting is aimed at anyone interested in circus and performing arts, from beginners to professionals and the general public. Currently there is a worldwide art movement known as contemporary circus, which combines traditional circus arts with theatre, dance, music, visual arts and multimedia. Born in this context is the concept of "Circus Convention", a space for exchange and expression, thereby forming an international circuit of conventions. The project of "Cirkonvención Mexikana" stems from the need to integrate Mexico into this circuit. After six successful experiences the "VII Cirkonvención Mexikana" will be held for the third time in the "Ex_Hacienda La Luna", Cuautlita Morelos.

ACTIVITIES: During Cirkonvención there will be various activities to disseminate, promote and professionalise circus activities among conventioneers.
WORKSHOPS are taught by professional artists in different disciplines, such as juggling, aerial acrobatics, theatre, balance, clowning, dance, improvisation, yoga, etc..
SHOWS During the nights are held roles in various formats that will culminate with the Grand Gala, a show with performances from our international guests along with the best national performers selected at the discretion of the organisation.
PARADE The conventioneers will give a tour of the city, bringing their skills, by involving local people. The parade will culminate in the main square with an open show for all age groups.
NIGHT OF FIRE One of the most amazing events at "Cirkonvención" is the night of fire, with performances from fire artists and others who specialise in fire, and ends with a bonfire for all the conventioneers to join in.
GAMES come in two forms: games open to all participants, and competitions in each discipline to exceed previous records (speed, endurance, strength, balance, volleyclub, etc).
FORUMS spaces for reflection and exposure of issues concerning circus arts (conferences, photo exhibitions, etc.).

facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/CIRKONVENCI%C3%93N-MEXIKANA/179084685489717

Who went

7ma Cirkonvención Mexikana elsewhere on the Edge

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