(DJC17 to its friends)
All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Regno Unito, 2013
venerdì, 18 ottobre 2013 to domenica, 20 ottobre 2013
This annual event draws jugglers from all over the country to meet, share skills, play games and watch the cabaret-style show in the evening. Both the convention and show are also open to the public, so if you’ve ever fancied learning to juggle or you’d like to find out what it’s all about then come along! The convention runs from Friday 19th until Sunday 21th October 2012.
It will be held at Wolsingham School near Durham. Wolsingham is 4 miles off the A68 and is easily accessible from the A1.
Have a look at our website for more details.
This event is a joint enterprise organised by: Durham City Jugglers, JUST (Juggling and Unicycling Stockton-on-Tees) and Five Ring Circus.