Edinburgh Aerial & Acro Convention 2013

(Edinburgh Aerial & Acro Convention to its friends)

All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Regno Unito‎, 2013


venerdì, 6 settembre 2013 to domenica, 8 settembre 2013


St. Leonards Land, Edinburgh University Gymnasiums, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ




Edinburgh’s Aerial and Acrobatic Convention is in its seventh year of introducing arts such as trapeze, acrobalance, tumbling and aerial hoop to the Scottish public. The EAAC is the UK’s largest event of its kind and brings together individuals and groups from all over the country wishing to expand their existing practice through a wide range of workshops teaching new skills and arts.

This year we will be bringing in some of the top teachers and performers in aerial and acrobatics from all over Europe. We will be running about 200 workshops this year with arts not seen before in Scotland.

Who went

Edinburgh Aerial & Acro Convention elsewhere on the Edge

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