Aircraft Circus Aerial Convention

All juggling events in 2015
Juggling events in Regno Unito‎, 2015


venerdì, 17 aprile 2015 to domenica, 19 aprile 2015


AirCraft Circus, Unit 7A, Mellish House, Harrington Way, Woolwich, London, SE18 5NR



Four days of intensive Circus Workshops including

- Rope
- Silks
- Static Trapeze
- Hoop
- Flying Trapeze

Aim of convention

At a practical level we hope that people will try new areal disciplines and perfect their existing chosen discipline. The aim is for people to have developed their potential in a range of different ways so that by the end of the convention they will have developed new skills, developed existing skills, increased networks, and improved chances of employment and chances of creating their own international conventions.

Daily structure

9.00 – 9.30am breakfast together
9.30am and throughout the day circus classes and sessions
Evenings are free time but we have organised a set of optional activities for you that include a range of circus shows, classes and activities.

Who went

Aircraft Circus Aerial Convention elsewhere on the Edge

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