Encuentro de Malabares en Barcelona (XI Intringulis)

(XI Intringulis to its friends)

All juggling events in 2015
Juggling events in Spagna‎, 2015


sabato, 23 maggio 2015


Can Batlló, c/ Constitució 19, esquina c/Mossèn Amadeu Oller, Sants de Barcelona





Tot preparat per al XI Intringulis, la nostra festa dels malabars
Ja ho tenim tot preparat per gaudir de la nostra onzena festa dels malabars, INTRINGULIS 2015, que recordeu que serà el pròxim dissabte 23 de maig, a Can Batlló (al barri de Sants de Barcelona).

Recordeu que la nostra festa es totalment gratuïta i oberta a tothom famílies, persones grans, petites... que ja sàpiguen fer malabars, o en vulguin aprendre.


10:30 Taller iniciació als malabars (3 boles)
11:30 Taller de diabolo
12:30 Laboratori de passing
14:00 Dinar de carmanyola. Porta menjar en la teva carmanyola i compartirem entre tots i totes les habilitats culinaries.
17:00 Olimpíades de malabars
19:00 Espectacle de malabars i Escenari obert També hi haura instaI·lat un espai per practica volei-maça



Everything is ready for the XI Intríngulis, our party of juggling
Now we have everything ready to enjoy our eleventh celebration of juggling Intríngulis 2015 will remember that next Saturday 23 May at Can Batllo (Sants district of Barcelona).

Remember that our festival is free and open to all families, seniors, small ... you already know how to juggle, or want to learn.


10:30 Workshop introduction to juggling (3 balls)
11:30 Workshop diabolo passing
12:30 Laboratory of passing
14:00 Lunch lunchbox. Door eat your lunch box and share among all of culinary skills.
17:00 Juggling Olympics
19:00 Juggling show and Open Stage
there will be a space to practice volleyball club.

Who went

XI Intringulis elsewhere on the Edge

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