Karlsruhe Convention

All juggling events in 1992
Juggling events in Germania‎, 1992

There is another Karlsruhe Jonglierfestival event coming up: 31. Karlsruher Jonglierfestival


venerdì, 22 maggio 1992 to domenica, 24 maggio 1992


Universität Karlsruhe

This is Karlsruhe Jonglierfestival event.



Geplant sind Jonglage, Pantomime, Performance, Theater und Freiräume für Aktivitäten, die ihr zu bieten habt.
Ort: Uni-Gelände,
Kosten: DM 28,-für Empfangsessen, Übernachtung in Turnhallen, Campingmöglichkeit, Renegade-und Public Show, Workshops.
Kontakt: Tassilo Timm



Juggling, mime, performance, theatre and space for activities that you will bring along.
Venue: University campus.
Price: DM 28.- including welcome banquet, accommodation in gyms or camping, Renegade and Public Show, workshops.
Contact: Tassilo Timm

Who went

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