Dansk Jonglør Træf 2016 (Danish Juggling Convention 2016)

(Dansk Jonglør Træf 2016 to its friends)

All juggling events in 2016
Juggling events in Danimarca‎, 2016


venerdì, 8 gennaio 2016 to domenica, 10 gennaio 2016


Vestre Skole, Svendborg



This is Danish Juggling Conventions event.



Dansk Jonglørtræf 2016 bliver i Svendborg! Vi har fået lov at låne Vestre Skole i Svendborg! Der bliver workshops, shows, god mad, og hygge!

Billetten koster 350 kr. i forsalg, eller 400 kr i døren. For de penge får du:
- Mad fra fredag aften til søndag middag
- Et vildt show, med danske og internationale artister
- Overnatningsmulighed på skolen (husk luftmadras/liggeunderlag)
- Fælles træning til verdens hyggeligste træf

Billet kan købes her:


The Danish Juggling Convention 2016 will be in Svendborg, at Vestre Skole. There will be workshops, shows, awesome food and juggling fun for everyone!

The ticket is 350 DKK (47 EUR) for pre register, and 400 DKK (54 EUR) for registration on arrival. For that price you get:
- All meals from Friday night until lunchtime Saturday
- Galla show with local and international artists
- Accommodation at the school (bring mats for sleeping!)
- That awesome feeling you get at juggling conventions

Tickets can be purchased here:

For transportation in Denmark use the following websites:
Public transport, including all trains and busses: http://www.rejseplanen.dk/
Rideshare website: https://gomore.dk/
Hitchhiking in Denmark is also fairly easy: http://hitchwiki.org/en/Denmark

Who went

Dansk Jonglør Træf 2016 elsewhere on the Edge

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