All juggling events in 2005
Juggling events in Belgio, 2005
sabato, 15 gennaio 2005 to domenica, 16 gennaio 2005
Wintersession opening
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th January 2005
The Trial Courses are a great opportunity for adult circuslovers and performing addicted to meet the trainers and to try the disciplines practised at Epace Catastrophe i.e. :
* Acrobatics and circus techniques, dance and movement,
* Physical theatre, acting, clownplay, voice and many more…
The courses, 1h30 each one, will be on trial Saturday and Sunday at 10-12-14-16 and 18.00
The participants make their own programme and can follow up 5 courses per day.
from 17th January to 23 March 2005
Open to all circus and performing addicted, to active people in cultural associations and to artists from any disciplines.
Courses Monday, Tuesday and wednesday, from 19 till 20.30 and/or from 20.30 till 22.00.
Circus Techniques (Juggling, Tight Rope, Trapeze, Aerial Tissue, Aerobatics…)
Acrobatic Techniques (Tumbling, Acrobatics on Air Track and Big Trampoline, Physical Training …)
Acting (Style work on, Expressive Moves and Chorus work, Character's build up, Presence on stage, …)
Vocal Techniques (Human Beat Box, Dance & voice…)
Dance - Movement (Floor work, Research of awn authentical movement, Personal research in the movement, Sense and Control of the movement, Taps,…)
For any further information :
schedules, programmes, pedagogical ID and short description of the trainers are available in Espace Catastrophe or at
Espace Catastrophe
Place for Creation
Circus Arts - Arts de la Rue - Arts clownesques
Rue de la Glacière, 18 - 1060 Bruxelles
Tél. 02/538.12.02 - Fax 02/538.49.44
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