21st Nordic Juggling Convention

All juggling events in 2005
Juggling events in Svezia‎, 2005


venerdì, 25 marzo 2005 to lunedì, 28 marzo 2005


Vallhamra youth centre, Partille, Gothenburg



This is Nordic Juggling Network event.


The Swedish Juggling Association in co operation with Circus Draken and
Cirkity Gravikus is proud to present:

The 21st Nordic Juggling Convention in Partille, Sweden
We hereby wish you a heartily welcome to Gothenburg and the 21st Nordic
Juggling Convention, this time in Partille, Sweden. The convention will
take place at Vallhamra youth centre from Friday 25th of March to Monday
the 28th (the Easter weekend). This means we have a total of four days
to play with!

During the weekend, jugglers from all over the world will meet for work
shops, shows, exchange of new ideas and loads of juggling and fun.

Vallhamra youth centre Draken is situated 20 kilometres from Gothenburg
central. For a detailed description on how to get there and to download
the convention leaflet, see the 'Maps' section. The youth centre is a
drug free area, hence no alcohol (or other drugs) is allowed at the site.

We have a cook in charge of the food (vegetarian/vegan). Dinner for
Friday, Saturday and Sunday plus breakfast Saturday, Sunday and Monday
are included in weekend tickets. There is also a café at the convention
site and a pizzeria and supermarket nearby.

We have a nice big gym to juggle in with sound system. In addition to
the gym we also have full access to billiards, table tennis, a video
room (please bring any videos you have), shower and sauna during the

There is a shared dormitory at the site. Access to it is included in
weekend tickets (bring your own mattress and sleeping bag).

On-site registration opens at 15.00 (3 pm), friday 25th, thereafter
follows a weekend of juggling, acrobatics and most other arts in or in
any way connected to 'circus', performances, work shops, juggling games,
an open stage and a public show. 'Secret' invited guests and juggling
stores will also be present at the convention site.

The price for the whole weekend, including food and public show (pre
registered and paid before the 1st of March 2005):

Adults: 350 SEK
Under 16: 250 SEK
Under 10: Free (in companion with an adult).
Payment made at arrival to the convention: +100 SEK.

Day tickets (not including food, access to dormitories or show tickets):

Fri/Mon: 70 SEK
Sat/Sun: 100 SEK

Public show ticket:
Adults: 50:-
Under 10: 25:-

Please bear in mind that the number of seats for the public show are
limited and that weekend passes are prioritized. If you want to be sure
to get a ticket for the show we recommend you to pre register or book
tickets in advance (see 'Contact' for more information). Make your
payment to:

Postgiro 92 02 31-8
Svenska Jonglörsföreningen

Don't forget to tell us the names and age of those who pre register!
Please also tell us if you have any allergies so we can plan the food.

For more information or questions please contact us at:

Email: njc2005@gravikus.com
Phone: +46(0) 703-707 023 (Trevor Lewis)
WWW: http://www.gravikus.com/njc2005/ (updated with the most recent
information and changes)

or write to:

NCJ 2005
c/o Trevor Lewis
Bang. 10c
41463 Göteborg

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