5 palla cascade with one eye closed records

5 palla solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
188 prese PipJim2015-07-01
156 prese Ethan2015-07-01
76 prese Ilia Poliakov2015-07-16
20 prese aawray2016-08-04
11 prese razor_black2015-06-26

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
20 prese aawray2016-08-04
76 prese Ilia Poliakov2015-07-16
156 prese Ethan2015-07-01there's no point......I'll give up
188 prese PipJim2015-07-01this is a strangely compelling "trick"
135 prese Ethan2015-07-01This trick is SO hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
130 prese PipJim2015-07-01is this really a thing? Did i really just spend time trying it? Actually harder than i thought it would be
21 prese Ethan2015-07-01
11 prese razor_black2015-06-26LHS + RHS seated