4 palla fontana over head with a club balanced on the head records

4 palla solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
80 prese James Hennigan2016-06-14
16 prese PipJim2015-02-15
14 prese Heydar2016-02-29

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
80 prese James Hennigan2016-06-14From and to a standard fountain. Starting with both hands.
60 prese James Hennigan2016-05-19From and to a standard fountain. Starting with both hands.
21 prese James Hennigan2016-05-07From and to a standard fountain. Starting with both hands.
14 prese Heydar2016-02-29clean
16 prese PipJim2015-02-15
8 prese Heydar2014-08-10clean
4 prese Heydar2014-05-07clean flash