6 palla 774 records

6 palla solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
114 prese peterbone2006-09-16
105 prese Niccolò2017-08-07
99 prese James Hennigan2020-08-30
72 prese C*C*K (Christoph)2014-02-27
42 prese Austin2017-05-12
30 prese Brook Roberts2015-01-13
24 prese thegoheads2011-02-28
18 prese Rob van Heijst2013-07-18
18 prese Mats12016-01-22
15 prese Ilia Poliakov2020-07-08
9 prese Aymeric2009-04-18
6 prese Heydar2017-03-30
3 prese Woett2013-01-08

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
99 prese James Hennigan2020-08-3033 rounds. Cold start, clean finish.
90 prese James Hennigan2020-08-0330 rounds. Cold start, clean finish.
15 prese Ilia Poliakov2020-07-08
66 prese James Hennigan2018-09-0622 rounds from and to a fountain.
42 prese James Hennigan2017-08-2314 rounds. From and to a fountain. In the garden.
105 prese Niccolò2017-08-07
36 prese James Hennigan2017-05-2212 rounds. From and to a fountain. In the garden.
30 prese James Hennigan2017-05-1710 rounds. From and to a fountain. In the garden.
42 prese Austin2017-05-12Clean.
24 prese James Hennigan2017-05-108 rounds. From and to a fountain. In the garden.
18 prese James Hennigan2017-05-076 rounds from and to a fountain. At Merrion.
15 prese James Hennigan2017-05-065 rounds starting on both sides. From and to a fountain. In the garden.
6 prese James Hennigan2017-05-022 rounds starting on both sides. From and to a fountain. In the garden.
6 prese Heydar2017-03-30back to pattern
24 prese Austin2017-03-21Clean.
12 prese Austin2016-08-05For some reason I found it a bit confusing- my brain kept going into 756 mode.
18 prese Mats12016-01-22
30 prese Brook Roberts2015-01-13Clean
24 prese Brook Roberts2014-11-25
3 prese Heydar2014-06-24to clean qualify
72 prese C*C*K (Christoph)2014-02-27
54 prese C*C*K (Christoph)2013-11-05
51 prese C*C*K (Christoph)2013-10-19
18 prese Rob van Heijst2013-07-18
48 prese C*C*K (Christoph)2013-05-07
12 prese Rob van Heijst2013-04-01
9 prese Rob van Heijst2013-03-12Watch video
3 prese Woett2013-01-08Watch video
3 prese Rob van Heijst2012-10-23
12 prese Mats12012-02-10
24 prese thegoheads2011-02-28from and back to qualifying fountain!
12 prese thegoheads2011-01-21
9 prese Aymeric2009-04-18
6 prese Aymeric2008-05-05
114 prese peterbone2006-09-16
84 prese peterbone2006-09-14
51 prese peterbone2004-10-25