(BBU2020V1 to its friends)
All juggling events in 2020
Juggling events in Regno Unito, 2020
venerdì, 15 maggio 2020 to lunedì, 25 maggio 2020
This is BBU event.
This year's Bungay Balls Up was held as a VIRTUAL EVENT on our website.
It's our 21st! No need for a key to the door, just come on in!
All the usual splendidness: 24-hr big top, on-site catering, loos, showers, sauna, games-a-go-go, comfy chairs, croquet, a sky for throwing things up into, oodles of outdoor space, buttercups, the occasional passing wildlife, a great locale with loads of nearby attractions to visit. Show on the second Saturday, hopefully a return of Fight Night on the second Sunday. And anything you care to add.