
Ha iniziato a giocolare 1994

Juggler since about 1994.
Mostly interested in ball spinning and balance tricks. I like passing clubs but not very interested in juggling on my own any more. I don't even own any balls these days.
Founder of Bungay Balls Up.
Builder of Trebuchets.
Owner of Montegriffo's Frying Circus purveyor of fine foods to Jugglers at several BJC's,BBU's and 2014 EJC in Millstreet.
Occasional rebel rousing trouble maker online


Conteggio messaggi del forum: 284


FFFFine Food Fellow

Mappa delle attività

Mappa delle attività di Monte



0 eventi futuri
60 eventi passati

Total time spent at juggling festivals: 500 days

Organizzazioni di giocoleria