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Melissa -

Hello! Have just joined Juggling Edge - thank you very much Orinoco! Am a regular attendee at the EJC and any and many juggling events in and around Manchester. Mostly practicing clubs at the moment, and learning to pass with lovely and patient people. Have been working on trying to learn juggling 4 balls and the 441 site swap for too long now, and would easily crack both if I was more consistent with my practice!

The Void - - Genitore

Hi Melissa,
Welcome to The Edge. Yes, sorry to have to tell you that practice does come into it, but the good news is that those tricks are definitely gettable, and that the practice is usually fun! :-)

7b_wizard - - Genitore

... <<with practise>> or maybe with advancing exercises like doing only two balls out of 441?
Hi & welcome.


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