I did a little data mining today & made a thing.

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Orinoco -

I did a little data mining today & made a thing.

Task for the new year: meet the first person that you don't know on your list.

So Giraffies (27th, not bad) how will I recognise you at BJC 2015?


Daniel Simu - - Genitore

Well that gave me a reason to update my convention data, suddenly going from 1 convention this year to 8. Oh, that is still not so much :(. Yeah, blame circus school, I used to almost double that amount..

16 people on the list in total

Who is nr 12: Kristalghost ?
Nr 13: JulieRoSch ? I might have met a Julie in Munich, might have forgotten...
14: Jimmy Blake ?

Those are all I need to meet, see you in 2015!

^Tom_ - - Genitore

Yeah, you know Julie. I'm fairly sure you met her on a Monday recently.

Little Paul - - Genitore

My first reaction is "omg have I really been to 85 festivals with Barnesy?"

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

Ok, so it is about time I also update the previous years, though I am afraid that those who joined me 85 times are probably not edge members with updated convention data ;)

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

Ok, now my list looks very different.
Who is Nr5 frizzel? We went to 8 conventions together, I bet I know you if I'd know your name ;)
Or nr7 Joanna? 6 conventions, but I don't think I know you :(

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

Also, my list says I attended 2 cons with Barnesy. And I for certain that I attended waaay more cons with Barnesy.... So possibly he didn't add himself to every con yet, possibly your number is going to get higher!!

barnesy - - Genitore

Yeah, I intended something similar in the reply I just made to LP - I went through the list that was imported from the IJDb trying to fill in which events I went to, but I've not continued to mark myself as attending newer events. Maybe I'll try another catch-up session!

Julius - - Genitore

According to frizzels only post on the juggling edge her name is Wiebke.. shes my no3, I think I know who she is. Joanna is on my list as well, I dont know her but I found this picture.
Youre my no4, Hapiel.. I know you!

I had to do quite some research to find all the festivals I went to and some of them arent in the database. Anyways, my numbers dont compare to any of you posting in this thread.

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

I'm surprised I only got to know you this summer, after so many festivals! But glad to be high on your list :)

barnesy - - Genitore

No, I'm pretty sure that's not true. There'll be more.

Adrian G - - Genitore

Heh, so I went and added my old attendances, turns out I only have one person on my list :P (j.acobramis (1) for Melbourne Juggling Convention this year)

Not sure if there are that few Australians on the Edge or if they've just attended different conventions to me/haven't entered theirs yet...

lukeburrage - - Genitore

I had totally forgotten about this one: https://www.jugglingedge.com/event.php?EventID=566

The Void - - Genitore

Yeah, I was pretty lonely (it seems). ;-)

It's Him - - Genitore

Giraffies (at no 23) is my first person to meet as well.

Orinoco - - Genitore

I think I know who she is now. Young red head lady from the BJC 2013 crew.

She looks a bit scary. I think we should go together.

Chris - - Genitore

You are correct that she is young and red headded. She's not that scary though. You're bigger than her, so use that to your advantage if it all kicks off.

Mïark - - Genitore

Not that scary‽ I'd be careful if I were you as she does have history.

Chris - - Genitore

She is small though.

Also, I think this is the first time I have seen someone use an interrobang outside of examples of how to use interrobangs. Kudos.

It's Him - - Genitore

Only if I can hide behind you if things get nasty!

Monte - - Genitore

Does anyone have a juggler other than Void at the top of their list. I just updated my attendances and found out I have been to 36 out of 61 with him and I couldn't remember which years I went to Crawley, Manchester, Passout or Glasto's so I left them out.

Orinoco - - Genitore

My number one is Kevin, followed by Void. Only 1 festival in it though.

Mike Moore - - Genitore

My number 1s are Norbi and Greg Phillips, two of few jugglers who've spent a while in North America and keep an update-to-date convention listing.

Mike Moore - - Genitore

PS - super fun idea, Orinoco!

Mike Moore - - Genitore

Triple post alert: after updating my convetion data, Norbi and Vance are now tied for #1. Greg has been slacking at updating his fest attendance!

The Void - - Genitore

Yeah, me. Barnesy's at the top of mine.

Little Paul - - Genitore

Me too. My top 5 is

barnesy 87
The Void 52
Danny Colyer 46
Mïark 44
lukeburrage 34
Cedric Lackpot 29

The Void - - Genitore

Hey, I've been to 52 conventions with you too! What a coincidence....

barnesy - - Genitore

You're first on my list too, LP. And that top 5 is otherwise about the same as my top 6, but in a different order (Danny's higher on yours, for which I'm sure Crawley is to blame^H^H^H^H^Hthank). As has been suggested, I think this is a nice way to count those who have stood up to be counted, but I find it fascinating stuff nonetheless!

Little Paul - - Genitore

It reminds me of the friends graphing that was talked about in the early days of the edge, which would have been based on a weighted scoring system so links between two people were calculated according to whose posts you replied to, what clubs and conventions you attend, and who you generated an invite code for.

I don't think much (any?) of it ever got implemented, but this facet of if is interesting all the same :)

In other news, I am currently without broadband, and only have a gprs mobile connection... I don't know how Orin put up with dialup as long as he did! (And he's nearly on 2K posts too!)

Orinoco - - Genitore

It did get implemented but the only visible sign of it to most people was a list of users ranked by interaction. I had it running in the background for quite a while after I removed it from general view to see if it did anything interesting. In the end all it did was show who was interacting with who which was stating the obvious really so I gave it the axe. Playing with data like this is only interesting if you can use it to answer a specific question that is not immediately obvious (who have I shared the most festivals with?) or tell you something you don't know (is there anyone who goes to the same festivals as me that I don't know?). I want to find genuinely practical uses for the data rather than things that are interesting only to statisticians.

I hope your broadband comes home soon. I assume you've asked your neighbours to check their sheds? I've heard they often hole up in out buildings at this cold time of year.

I've not noticed much speed increase between dial up & broadband for my websites. Most other sites are nippier though! I still browse with images off, iframes disabled & all manner of 3rd party widgets blocked though. I am having problems with the new wifi set up dropping connection though, I prefer slow & constant over fast & intermittent. I have some new doodads on their way to me to sort that out that should be with me before the end of the week.

lukeburrage - - Genitore

My top 5:

barnesy 64
Mïark 62
Little Paul 34
The Void 34
Cedric Lackpot 21

I'm pretty sure if Tom Derrick updated his list he'd be there too.

Also, I remember keeping my convention attendance data up to date on the IJDb, and as I made this list from memory (and some events aren't in the database) I'm sure I'm missing some. Still, it seems that my run of 18-20 conventions per year from 2002-2004 did the Luke-Barnesy statistic favors.

Tom Derrick - - Genitore

You'll be pleased to know that I've finally updated my list, but we've apparently only been to 13 of the same conventions.

The Void - - Genitore

Well done. You're up to 8th in my list now.
Mostly this list just makes me annoyed that other people's data is incomplete. And I make my own decisions, mostly based on an accumulation of data.

I'm suddenly amused by the idea that I'll stumble back across this post in 5 years time, and have no idea what I was on about in the previous sentence.
And now I'm amused that I was just so foolish as to think there'll be such a thing as "5 years time".....

Time isn't over us, time isn't after us....

Dee - - Genitore

Both well known Toms (based on UK juggling conventions) are tied at equal number 10 in my rankings (however, this is due to lots of Irish jugglers not having actively completed their attendance records). My first unknown is el_grimey who I must know in person, but don't know based on the username. Furthermore, with only one post on here, I can't deduce who they may be!

Thanks Tom D for resurrecting this thread - it prompted me to update my events log.

Orinoco - - Genitore

You almost certainly do know El_Grimley, he was part of the core team for BJC2013.

Mïark - - Genitore

2013 or 2012?

Orinoco - - Genitore

oops, I meant 2012

Dee - - Genitore

But they haven't labelled that in their records, so I would have no way to know that? Any clues as to who they may be [without naming them!]

Orinoco - - Genitore

Er... dull pork product, commonly coppiced tree funereal transport chai

The Void - - Genitore


Little Paul - - Genitore

If there was a like button, I'd be clicking it.

Mïark - - Genitore

Perhaps when Orinoco has worked out which year, he could give them an organiser award.

The Void - - Genitore

A. It was 7 years
B. I've got an idea, but it's vague, not specific
C. Buck up, kiddo, you've done well on not ceasing to exist since then, all things considered. I'm slightly less pessimistic than you were then.

Richard Loxley - - Genitore

Thanks for the reminder. I've now gone through 22 years of my old diaries, and updated my list as best I can.

I'm not 100% sure about the one-day conventions as I tend to mark them in my diary but not indicate if I actually went! So I've guessed a bit on balance of probabilities for those.

I've created 8 or 10 new events for circus events that were in my diary but not on the Edge yet - so it could be worth people checking my events list to see if you went to any of them :-)

Barnesy has now beaten Void into my top place (94 common events).

Mïark - - Genitore

Barnesy has always been first in my common event list, but now you have knocked Tom out of my top ten.

The Void - - Genitore

All change at the top for me. Richard & Mïark have overtaken mikey into podium positions, and Monte is out of the top ten. And having finally worked out who Heydar is, I have to go down to #26 to my first unknown. I'd guess I'd probably know Owen Greenaway's face if I saw it.
I also think I was probably at some of the new old events that Richard's added, but can't remember. Hmmm....

mike.armstrong - - Genitore

Do I know Llama_Bill?

The Void - - Genitore

I don't know. But I do know that he's in this video:
And I'm sure you'll agree that it would be no fun if I told you when.

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

You Brits stick waaay to close to each other!

The Void ranks at my 14th place...

It doesn't help that I've never been at any Brittish convention I guess. Also, many cons I've been to are not in the database. Nice to see that my nr1 is Anneroos (16 in common), who I actually got to know already at my very first con, 7 years ago!

Orinoco - - Genitore

For those saying we have events missing from our database please click here. We want old events as well as new ones. Even a little information is better than none.

Lorri - - Genitore

The first person I don't recognise on my list is Heydar. Do I know you Heydar?

The Void - - Genitore

Ditto. I expect I'd at least know the face.
I see you've been updating, Lorri - you just jumped over Monte in my list. :-)

Lorri - - Genitore

Indeed :)

I had to guess for some of the years so might have actually gone to more than I said. I went to a lot more conventions when I was oop north!

^Tom_ - - Genitore

Cambridge, Mark. I also do not know him, and he's my highest ranked unknown.

Mïark - - Genitore

Heydar is also my first unknown, I think we should form a search party.

Mïark - - Genitore

Void is not top of my list, you were at the 2008 PassOut, Monte.

The Void - - Genitore

That's this one: https://www.jugglingedge.com/event.php?EventID=2192

Maria - - Genitore

I admit to not having registered to any of the events here, but if I had, it would have been a shared first place for everyone registered at EJC 2014 and two people from earlier conventions in Sweden.

Mïark - - Genitore

Hi Maria,
You can mark which events you attended (if you want to join in this game)

Here is a link to easily(ish) mark which events you went to:


link can also be found on your Juggling Edge profile page

Pedant - - Genitore

That link can also be found in the link that Orinoco posted in the post at the start of this thread.

Maria - - Genitore

Yeah, but at the time I made that post it would just have been a shared first place between everyone I've been to one convention with. Now (after attending one more convention) my list looks like this:

1. lukeburrage (2)
2. Mïark, Ian C, cess, Rob van Heijst, Anneroos, MerelW, Bright, Heydar, Julius, Iver Tronstad, JohannaSorensen, Dee, NeilK, Brook Roberts, RiscTaker, The Void, Jan Poolen, Tom Derrick, menno, michael2405, ^Tom_, Esther, Willi, lucasgabd, niallkelly, JonPeat, varkor, steph, el_grimley, Lazy Juggler, Monte, marcuse, peterbone, magicalmarkwatson, mrawa, fabulatican, Lorri, Richard Loxley (1)

...that is after marking ten events, but it seems like I was alone at many of them. ;) Not many people from Sweden here, I guess.

Maria - - Genitore

My top 5 now looks like this:

1. Solander (8)
2. lukeburrage (7)
3. Mïark, Dee (6)
5. Heydar, Esther (5)

Some of those are future events rather than festivals I have actually attended though.
I know Solander and Mïark. I know who Luke Burrage is, and think that I might recognize Dee. I have no idea who Heydar or Esther are.

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

Well, since you know Esther mostly from EJC's I can imagine you might have never bumped into her ;). Come to a convention in the Netherlands and I'll introduce you some time ;)

Maria - - Genitore

Seems likely that we have not really met, yes.

I might do that some time. Probably not this year though, I have already sheduled more events (mostly juggling events) than I have vacation days for. Unless I go straight to and home from each event and don't stay to see anything else in the area.

Dee - - Genitore

I'm in some of these pictures (taken by Luke Burrage @ EJC 2010): http://www.lukeburrage.com/blog/archives/940; that should confirm if you recognise me!

Maria - - Genitore

Purple BJC t-shirt, right? I think you were on the organizing team of EJC 2014 (my first international juggling convention).

Dee - - Genitore

Yep, that's me.

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

When will there be a link to this 'thing' somewhere else? So I won't need to look up this post all the time?

Orinoco - - Genitore

You can get to it from your profile page as of the Sunday just gone.

Incidentally, don't assume that I will automatically integrate experiments like this into the Edge unless you shout (as was the case with this page).

Daniel Simu - - Genitore

Cool, happy to see its a keeper :)

Mïark - - Genitore

There is a link on your profile page (the one labelled Me in the menu bar at the top).

The "thing" can be found at the top of the list of all the events you have attended/intend.

Have you not tried all the links on this site yet?

Mïark - - Genitore

Bah! Orin is a faster typist than me!


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